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Re: SECURITY ALERT: Password protection bug in Netscape 2.0b3

On Mon, 18 Dec 1995 hickey@ctron.com wrote:

> > I believe you're right.  Netscape is cacheing the protected document to
> > disk and then returning it on subsequent sessions without requiring
> > reauthentication by the user.  This is still a major uh-oh, but not nearly
> > as bad as my first hypothesis that Netscape was storing passwords to disk.
> > 
> > Lincoln
> > 
> This is a bug that we found a little while ago. It was not present in version
> 1.X, but it was introduced with the 2.0 code. 
> There are two versions of this bug that is really the same one. 
> 	1. If you have your "verify document" set to once per session, then
> 	   you can cancel on an authorization attempt, go to an unprotected
> 	   URL and use the back button to get the text. The images on the 
> 	   page are attempted to be retrieved and produce authorization
> 	   attempts. 
> 	2. The second is the one scenerio is the one that Lincoln has
> 	   witnessed. When the "verify document" is set to never, the
> 	   browser can be tricked into getting the document out of the
> 	   cache without authenication. 

I have a question after reading about caching the protected file. 
How does it work if you are using a proxy server? Does it store
protected files? I guess that would imply a much more severe hole, 
but then I don't know how the proxy server works... can someone 
enlighten me ?

Magnus Lundgren        NetGuide/TerraTel

iorlas@netg.se         +46 (0)31 50 79 40
